My name is Alyssa Parlier and I am a continuously inquisitive explorer of creative knowledge! I’ve discovered through the years that, as I build my skills and know-how, each new trait lends into the betterment of the previous ones. Like most artists, this passion started with simply drawing, but has grown into a vast curriculum of abilities. While my career focused expertise has forced me into a digital medium, I still hold a love for more tactile forms of expression. This led me to my volunteer work at The Wasteshed and a partnership to sell my crochet creations in a collaborate known as InnerEye Recycled Arts

Project Management

My time attaining my first degree pushed me to be more than just a designer – I am a leader. In the spring of 2015 I was 1 of 10 students selected to attend the National Conference on Student Leadership that took me to Orlando, FL. It was here I discovered the benefit of understanding each individual’s personality within a team. This led to the conclusion that my teammates have a truer recognizance of my talent and can more accurately define my skill level in this genre.

Endeavor Student Showcase

Class project in association with The Illinois Institute of Art – Schaumburg. Project started January 2018, ended May 2018. Video created May 2018 by Alyssa Parlier

T’sarE LLC

School club, that developed into a startup entertainment company. Project started January 2017 and currently in development. Video created July 2021 by Alyssa Parlier

Interactive Design

The Associates in Graphic Design I earned focused mainly on branding, advertising, and designing for the benefit of a company. Adversely, my Bachelor’s in Interactive and Web design taught me to think on the user’s behalf. Both experiences have been equally helpful in establishing the planning that goes before development can even begin. Additionally, I work on the side as a tester for UserTesting and Game Tester to maintain my awareness of the target audiences’ perspective of every design.

Pregnancy Application




Web Design

Breaking down the web design process starts with a clear objective for the site – getting to know the client and their target audience comes before any aesthetics. My expertise in the process includes these vital ‘pre-design’ steps, organizing wireframes, and preparing the written content as well. Working with Three Gen Media LLC on the side continues to expand my versatility in the written language across different media.

Understanding Drugs Website

Understanding Drugs was built for my interactive authoring I class. At the time of creation, I thought to make an unbiased outline of different illegal substances for parents to recognize symptoms within their teenagers. Unfortunately, many of my peers and teachers saw the design as encouraging their use. This was not my intent, and by including this site in my portfolio I only wish to show off the interesting effects I accomplished through CSS.  

VeggHead Website

VeggHead was the final project for my interactive authoring II class. I worked a lot with understanding and utilizing databases on this site as well as controlling the flow of the page with sidebar navigations. 

This site is more pleasantly looked upon by my peers than the preceding class.  

Endeavor Student Showcase

As the showcase ended, the wix site that I helped to build and maintain with other student web designers had to end as well. The best I can show is these screenshots of the site when it was still active.

Vision Build Home

During my schooling, I found a few paid gigs for updating coding within the websites. Vision Build Home was one such client, and this is the final result of that site. I did not design it – I only updated the coding

T’sarE LLC

Along with assisting Richard in managing his team and organizing his business, I am also in the works on his business website. This is still in development, but I will happily share what I have done in the planning stages

Graphic Design

Despite where my working life has taken me, graphic design has always followed. Even at places like Mad Science and Dogs Deserve It I’ve managed to find a way to bring my artistic passions along for the ride! After all, at my core, I’m still that little kid that likes to draw and color; after 10 years of making art for others, I don’t think that is going to change.